Friday, March 31, 2023

Gematria how to calculate


Gematria is an ancient numerological system which assigns numbers to letters of the alphabet, enabling you to calculate numerical values for words and phrases. Dating back thousands of years and derived from the ancient Kabbalistic practice, gematria has been used as a profound method for exploring deeper meanings of scriptures, deriving insight from sacred text and gaining greater understanding into our own existence.

This system works by assigning numerical equivalents to each letter in the alphabet. For example, in Hebrew, the letter aleph is assigned a numerical value of 1; bet is assigned a value of 2; and so on up to tav whose value is 400. Once each letter has been assigned its numeric equivalent they can be combined together to create words or phrases (in modern times digits are also used). The sum total then gives you the gematria value.

One way to calculate gematria is done manually: assign each letter its numeric equivalent and then add them up together. To do this you would look at each Hebrew letter and add its value together one by one until you get a single figure for the whole word or phrase. Another way is through digital resources such as software that can make it easier by automating calculations where it takes the words or phrase and sums total directly from them. You can also find disk sets with tables or computers that are designed specifically for calculating gematria values quickly either from texts or from audio recordings.

Gematria can also be used in combination with other forms of numerology such as numerology graphs, kabala trees (also known as sefirotic trees), tarot cards and dice sets (which have grids where different numbers will be assigned various colors). This type of combining allows someone to more deeply delve into personal understanding through these systems while using gematria as part of their overall reading toolbox.

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